
Vimium Grants Chrome Hotkey Superpowers - perkinssweves

At a Glance

Skilled's Rating


  • Customizable hotkeys
  • Offers a quick way to open links


  • Doesn't body of work across altogether pages
  • Replicates some functionality Chrome already has

Our Verdict

Chrome wing Vimium adds a rich set of shortcut keys for opening links, navigating pages, and more.

Keyboard shortcuts take about getting ill-used to, only pop the question a rewarding productivity advance for those willing to stick through the initial learning curve ball. Vimium is a Google Chromium-plate extension that takes this mind-set and runs with it, bolting a rich put back of keyboard shortcuts on top of Chromium-plate. Shortcuts are inspired by the Vim text editor in chief, but can be remapped as needed. You throne function Vimium to swap tabs, click links, choice text boxes, and more, all without reaching for the sneak out.

Vimium help
Tapping ? pops up a trucking rig-transparent overlayer list all Vimium crosscut keys.

Vigour fans using Firefox can opt for either Vimperator operating theatre Pentadactyl. These two Firefox add-ons transform the Firefox interface, stripping away much of the UI chrome and leaving you with a very nominal browser wadding gobs of hidden shortcut keys. Vimium, by contrast, leaves the Google Chromium-plate user interface unchanged, and doesn't equal lend a button to the toolbar. Put differently, if you get into't already know it's there, you may not even notice it. This is discriminating if you share Chromium-plate with another user who likes the default user interface and uses the mouse and built-in keyboard shortcuts for everything.

Some of the functionality Vimium provides is already dry into Chromium-plate. E.g., you tail use Vimium to switch tabs using gt (switch to the next tab) and gT (switch to the previous one), just Chrome already has Ctrl+PgUp and Ctrl+PgDn for that. The same goes for H, "go up back in history," which is provided past Backspace by default. Fortunately, the default Chrome shortcuts keep going working with Vimium installed. Also, Chrome has no shortcut for "proceed"; Vimium does (L, by default).

Vimium Hints screenshot
Hints let you open any link victimization 3-4 keystrokes.

Vimium shines when it comes to more complex features. For example, hit ]] (closing bracket, twice) to switch to the incoming page on a list of search results. Hitting [[ will take you to the previous page. And if you want to open golf links without victimization the mouse, just dab f: All link on the screen door will beryllium tagged with a little recording label bearing two or three letters. Typecast those letters, and the unite forthwith opens. If you want the colligate to open in a background tab, starting signal by typewriting F (Shift+f) instead of f. This is similar to the way worn Firefox add-on Hit-a-Soupco worked.

Vimium Options screenshot
Vimium's Options screen is not illusion, but it is powerful.

Ironically, one of the main things holding Vimium back is Google's personal fondness of Vigor-like keyboard shortcuts. Many a Google services, such as Gmail, Google Reader, and regular the YouTube Gimcrack video instrumentalist, feature article their own set of keyboard shortcuts. Many of these shortcuts overlap Vimium's, which means Vimium must comprise disabled along those websites. This can bring up a jarring user experience: Use gT to flip between tabs until you get to a tab that contains a Gmail session … and then you'rhenium stuck. The crosscut just Newmarket working, because Vimium is disabled for that tab. Past nonpayment, Vimium doesn't work on Gmail and Google Reader, and you can tot other sites to the list.

The two intense features that puddle Vimium attractive are being able-bodied to quickly open ai golf links and advance to the incoming page in a paginated article using just the keyboard. If these are things you've forever cherished to do, take Vimium for a spin—you Crataegus oxycantha like its other features, excessively.

Note: The Download button takes you to the vendor's site, where you can install the stylish rendering of the software at once into your Chrome browser.

—Erez Zukerman


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